Child Safeguarding Statement


Hockey Ireland Safeguarding Statement

On December 11th 2017, the Children First Act 2015 commenced. This new law puts Children First: the National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children, on a statutory footing. The Act provides for a number of key child protection measures.

Children First Compliance

Please see the following supporting documentation and instructions on how Hockey Clubs can comply with the Children First Act 2015.

This is a mandatory process that all organisations providing services to children must complete.

The following are the steps to compliance:

Step 1 – Review the Risk Assessment Document

  • Review the risk assessment document at your Club’s Committee meeting.
  • Each risk identified must be ranked; High, Medium or Low, with the supporting policies in place
  • Once each risk is ranked, you must consider the factors in place to reduce the risk and any further action you can take to lower it.
  • You can include other risks of potential harm that are specific to your Hockey Club
  • After you review your Risk Assessment, minute it at your meeting and get your Chairperson and Children’s Officer to sign and date it.

CLICK HERE to download the Risk Assessment Template for Hockey Clubs.

Step 2 – Child Safeguarding Statement

  • When step one is completed review your Child Safeguarding Statement and sign the document.
  • As per Section 11 of the Children First Act 2015, you are required to display your Child Safeguarding Statement in a prominent place in your Hockey Club (notice board, public area, website etc.).
  • We suggest that you also distribute your signed Child Safeguarding Statement to all parents by mail/email/web or social media on an annual basis. (Perhaps as a part of membership process).

CLICK HERE to download the Safeguarding Statement Template for Hockey Clubs

NOTE: It is the responsibility of every Hockey Club Management Committee to comply with the Children First legislation by completing the above steps.

Additional information can be found on the links below: