Biographies, gathered from various sources, of the players who have represented Ireland at women’s senior international level. If you have photographs, articles, video clips and audio interviews please forward to and we can include it in these pages.

Choose the initial of the player’s surname from the alphabetic index below and select a name from the list of players which appears. If we are missing a player or their biographies please email with their information and we will insert it into the relevant page

A B C D E F G H J K  L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y 

D…nell H.
Dahl Zanya
Daly Nicci Nicola
Darling I.
Davidson Price Sheila
Davis Stella
de Courcy Wheeler Knox L.
de Lacy Hilary
Deacon Jeamie Jamie
Deane Marie
Deasy Deirdre
Delany Zara
Dennison Y.
Devane Sarah
Devine Carol
Dick A.
Dillon Kate
Dinsmore check 344 Pat
Dinsmore D.
Dobbin L.
Dobbs Flood Laura
Docherty Anita
Doherty Gwen
Donaldson Dorrie
Donnelly Rita
Dooley Sinead
Downing TBC
Doyle Katherine
Drewin Maureen
Drum Sandra
Duffin D.
Duke Deirdre
Dunne C.
Dwyer Daly Frances