Tricks 4 Sticks 

As the majority of our funding comes from the Sport Ireland Dormant Account Fund for disadvantaged areas, preference will be given to clubs who meet the following criteria:– Club based in a disadvantaged area– Clubs applying for coaching in a DEIS school/s as part of a schools programme–  Clubs applying for coaching in schools based in an area of disadvantage (according to the following map you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact your provincial development officer.


Tricks 4 Sticks offers your club the opportunity to increase youth participation numbers (girls and boys) through the running of a targeted schools programme in your area. Clubs can apply for funding from Hockey Ireland, or run the programme using our support resources below.

Supported by the Sport Ireland, Tricks 4 Sticks sends a qualified hockey coach into local schools for an agreed number of weeks. Representing your club, the coach delivers a fantastic high energy hockey programme and creates links to your club. At the end of the programme the pupils are invited to visit your club grounds whilst the school also receives a ‘Tricks 4 Sticks pack’ to encourage them to continue playing hockey.In 2017 we are also focusing on upskilling club coaches, as well as training Young Hockey Leaders within Tricks 4 Sticks clubs.

Benefits of Tricks 4 Sticks

  • Increased youth membership numbers in your club
  • Hockey Ireland partly covers the cost of coaching in schools
  • Long-lasting links with local Primary and Secondary schools in your area are created through Tricks 4 Sticks
  • Club receives best practice on how to structure an effective schools programme through guidelines and coaching session plans
  • Club receives best practice on catering for children at club open days
  • Access to a Stepping Stones course (Phase 1 or Phase 2) for participating clubs
  • Access to a Young Hockey Leaders Award course


Club Support Pack

Coaching Session for Boys

Open Coaching Session Guidelines

Running a Blitz

Sample Letter for Schools