John Dennis

President 2022 - Present

Barbara O'Malley

Vice President 2022 - President

Ann Rosa

Former President 2020 - 2022

Martin Canniffe

Former President 2018 - 2020

Ivy Dennis

Former President 2016 - 2018

Richard Kendrick

Former President 2014 - 2016

Daphne Hall

Former President 2012 - 2014

Herbie Sharman

Former President 2010 - 2012

Doreen Howe

Former President 2008 - 2010

Dixon Rose

Former President 2006 - 2008

Grace Redmond

Former President 2004 - 2006

John Smyth

Former President 2002 - 2004

Joan McCloy

Former President 2000 - 2002

Presidents of the Irish Ladies Hockey Union (ILHU) and Irish Hockey Union (IHU)