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The Goalie Club is a new Hockey Ireland initiative, supported by SoftCo, to develop world class Goalkeeper Coaching to promote the Goalkeeping stars of the future. Led by former Irish International Goalkeepers, David Fitzgerald and Nigel Henderson, the Goalie Club will create a consistent coaching structure across all levels in Ireland. The program incorporates on-pitch training and unique video content designed by Nigel Henderson, who is recognised as one of the leading Goalkeeper coaches in the world.




Ireland has a tradition of world class goalkeepers. In recent times, that torch has been carried by David Harte, former World Goalkeeper of the Year, and Ayeisha McFerran, the star of the 2018 Women’s World Cup. Nigel helped both David and Ayeisha to develop their skills and achieve global success. The ultimate goal of the Goalie Club is to create the next generation of talented Irish Goalkeepers by arming coaches with the knowledge to develop skills and technique as early as possible.


Nigel Henderson – Elite Goalkeeping Consultant and Senior Women’s GK Coach,
Holly Micklem – Senior Women’s team,
Erica Gallagher – U21 Women’s team,
Elizebeth Murphy – Senior Women’s team and U18 girls GK coach,
David Fitzgerald – Head of Elite Goalkeeping.


Irish Goalkeeper Coaches invited on the program will have exclusive access to the digital content, as they progress on their coaching journey. The attached video with Ayeisha is a small sample of the content that is available as part of the Goalie Club program. This knowledge hub will continue to increase over time with new content being added regularly. 

Access to the suite of Goalie Club digital content is restricted to only those who have been invited. Once invited you can access the content by clicking here.



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