Honorary Life Members Luncheon

Last week saw Hockey Ireland’s Honorary Life Members come together, those nominated members of the hockey public who have significantly contributed to hockey in Ireland throughout their life.

Taking place at the Carlton Hotel on Wednesday Oct 18, there was tremendous camaraderie and warm interactions amongst the group as they came together for this annual luncheon.

We also used the occasion to discuss and develop with the group an exciting ‘Hockey’s Heritage’ initiative, which we look forward to updating the wider hockey community on in the coming weeks. The insights and suggestions we received were incredibly important as we continue to develop and refine this initiative.

Pictured (back row, l-r): Inez Cooper, Martin Canniffe, Ann Murray, John Denis, Sally Ann Fanagan, Brian George, Carol Metchette, Barbara O’Malley, Josephine Mitchell.
(front row, l-r): Grace Redmond, Ivy Dennis, Daphne Hall, Doreen Howe, Irene Johnston.

Please be upstanding for all our Honorary Life Members.