The Umpire Development Pathway aims to support the growth of umpiring in Ireland in an efficient and sustainable manner. The initial focus is on growing the base of umpires through accessible step by step coursesbefore further developing umpires through opportunities and support at provincial, national and international levels.  

The online rules test must be completed before an individual can sign up to the Fundamentals of Umpiring module 1. Fundamentals module 1 must be completed before signing up to Fundamentals module 2, an online Q and A session.   

Once an individual has completed their online rules and Fundamentals Modules 1 and 2, they will be recognised as a club umpire (a club umpire means an individual has the skills to begin umpiring unappointed club games but will not yet have been assessed). They can then access provincial workshops here.

Many umpires are happy umpiring only at their club, the goal of the new pathway is to improve the standard of those club umpires while lessening the gap between club umpires and provincial panels. If you wish to progress to provincial level you will receive a wide range of appointments along with support from your provincial association. In order to join your provincial association you must have completed and passed an assessment. Your provincial Umpiring Association will provide details on how to arrange this.

A small number of umpires each year will then progress to National Panel. The Irish Hockey Umpires Association (IHUA) is responsible for recruitment and development of umpires operating at this level.